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2023 SoCal Honor Bowl MVP and Character Player Awards

After each Honor Bowl game, awards are given out at the 50-yard line. A player from both teams receives the Pete Saco MVP award, chosen by the media who are in attendance.  The Head Coach picks the Character Award to a player on his team that exhibits honor, chacter and brotherhood.

Game One: Friday, September 1   4:00 pm

Oak Ridge SoCal
Madison SoCal

Game Two: Friday, September 1  7:30 pm

Brophy SoCal

Game Three: Saturday, September 2  Noon

Trinity Valley SoCal
University City SoCal

Game Four: Saturday, September 2  4:00 pm

Red Mountain SoCal
Helix SoCal

Game Five: Saturday, September 2  7:30 pm

Punahou SoCal
Centennial SoCal
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