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Patty Schumacher

Patty Schumacher

Patty has been married to her husband, Tom, for 17 years and has three wonderful children, Victor, Kyle and Katie. When Victor announced he was joining the Marines at the age of 20 this family held their breath as he deployed to Afghanistan. A short 18 days later, on October 13, 2010, he was killed by a remotely detonated improvised explosive device that also took the lives of the other three Marines in the vehicle; all instantly.

Since Victor’s death, Patty has developed a deeper sense of patriotism. By invitation, she has been recognized as a motivational speaker and has been asked to speak to US Marines Office Candidates Graduates and many other events.

Patty wants to help rebuild American Pride and Honor of our Military by reaching out into our community to bring awareness through education in the classrooms and community events of what it is to be a Gold Star Mother with younger children, and how Victor’s death changed her family, and how in many ways, changed her for the better with the open desire to help serve our Military’s men and women in war on the battlefield and in war with themselves once they come home, to support others and to promote and support projects that honor and remember our fallen.

Patty is proud to be associated with The Honor Group and believes that through her work with this organization she can educate our community’s on how to Honor, Respect and Connect ourselves to those who freely are willing to give their lives for us and our country. May we never forget or abandon them.

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