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June 16, 2015 Sacramento, Ca. The Honor Group, Inc. a California based military veteran nonprofit who has gained regional and national attention for their support of military veterans has announced the release of their Kickstarter video and upcoming livestream interactive veteran to veteran talk show called, Honor Sessions.

See video:

It is widely known that military veterans are committing suicide at a rate of 22 a day. That’s one veteran every 65 minutes. The suicide rate for female military veterans has made this statistic even worse. The organizers believe that one of the reasons for this staggering suicide statistic has to do with the loss of the brother and sisterhood connection that strongly exists in the military, especially, amongst combat units.

The organizers and panel of military veterans who will appear on this weekly talk show strongly believe that this livestream, on-demand talk show will help save military lives. The focus of Honor Session is to reconnect that powerful and emotional military bond that has been lost as veterans deploy or discharge from the military. The Honor Sessions features a panel of military veterans who have directly experienced what other veterans may be going through after returning from combat or any other type of military service. They will share their experiences and their struggles regarding their readjustment to the home front.

Currently, military veterans have returned from combat deployments in record numbers. Due to military drawbacks these veterans are returning to their homes across the nation and many times they are forgotten. Honor Sessions will be a groundbreaking no hype talk show that will be produced in studio and live streamed across the nation so that veterans everywhere will have easy access to these supportive and healing conversations.

The panel of Honor Sessions hosts will include a respected military General, combat Vietnam veterans, a nationally recognized Vet Center Doctor; combat Soldiers, Corpsman and Marines, including their wives (who will add another perspective). In addition, respected former military commanders, leaders and community patriots will make guest appearances both in studio and by telephone. “We plan to keep it fun, real life, educational and interactive.” said Rick Sutter, Executive Producer.

Vietnam Veteran and guest panel host Steve Reed says, “Honor Sessions will heal because I have seen it occur with myself! Many vets are forgotten when they return home, struggle and don’t know what to do. We believe we can help to educate, let them know that they are not alone and hear what has worked with us in battling the issues from war.”

Executive Director, Mark Soto says, “America is great at training our military veterans on how to go to war, but is terrible at teaching them how to come home from war. We believe this show can greatly help in reconnecting that lost vet-to-vet bond by discussing every day topics and issues we know the vet is experiencing.”

The first four shows will be pre-recorded and launched bi-weekly beginning in August. Afterwards, the Honor Sessions shows will be livestreamed to the nation allowing veterans to interact via live chat and telephone directly with the host panel.

Weekly topics of conversation will include discussions about PTS, How to Navigate the V/A, Understanding Triggers, Anger Management, Marriage/Family Interaction, Depression, Grief and Loss, Community Involvement, Exercise Tips, etc. Every show will be recorded and placed on demand via the Honor Sessions website and easily shared through all different forms of social media. The producers hope that as the tapings continue there will be a saved bank of support topics that can touch a veteran at any time they desire. Virtually, any topical discussion that a veteran could use help, education or support with will be ON DEMAND at any time they want to watch. Plus, a 24-hour live person 800 number hotline will be provided to assist those in desperate crisis mode.

A second major goal of the Honor Sessions livestream broadcast is to freely highlight veteran focused nonprofits across the nation so that small and large organizations can share their upcoming missions and events. “We believe one of the ways to conquer combat related issues and depression is staying involved, get off the couch, out of the homes and volunteer” Says Mark Soto. “If this means you run a race, help a local cause no matter what the charity purpose may be, at least you are actively doing something involving service which is natural to every military veteran’s nature.”

Producer, Rick Sutter says, “We have been blessed to have local faith organizations and professional video experts step up to help us produce this show, but production of a show like this comes with a cost. We hope that sponsors and donors will see the vision behind this groundbreaking interactive therapy show and will support Honor Sessions with much needed financial resource. We strongly believe this show will save lives!”

To learn more about Honor Sessions please visit or visit

About the Honor Group: The Honor Group is a nationally known and respected nonprofit organization with a three part mission. EDUCATE * EMPOWER * EQUIP. The Honor Group supports the mindset of educating our students, coaches and community about the needs of our military veterans. We do this by going into schools across America with exciting athletic competition, educational school assembly events, and many other community outreach events. Through these educational events we see hearts change, we see people grow, we see people empowered with a new sense of patriotism and mostly we see the student, community and military bond. With the money raised we continue our educational mission and equip injured, ill and wounded veterans with the necessary tools required to return to a normal civilian life.

For more information please contact:

Mark Soto
The Honor Group
[email protected]

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