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HONOR RADIO: Episode #028
Guests: Matt Logan
Head Football Coach
Centennial High School | Corona, CA

HR Head Coach Matt Logan


This is a compelling podcast featuring, Coach Matt Logan.  Coach Logan is the Head Football coach of the Centennial Huskies out of Corona Ca. In our humble opinion, this school’s high school football program is arguably one of the best “public” school football programs in all of America. When we first met Coach Logan back in 2013, he was still hurting from the tragic death of his wife, Donna from breast cancer in 2007. She sadly left him with three daughters. Soon after this untimely death we became acquainted with Coach Logan and came to love the man and how he managed a successful football program while also raising three teenage daughters. Coach Logan is a patriot, a family man, and a loyal leader. When he heard of The Honor Bowl he wanted his team in the showcase and we found an opponent for him. Since then, under his steady leadership, the Centennial program remains consistently at the top of annual nationwide football polls. The man is a born leader, father, (new) husband, and an amazing football coach. Please listen to this compelling podcast as we discuss life, love, and of course, football.

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