HONOR RADIO: Episode #006
Guest: Ricky Rodriguez
Head Football Coach James Logan High School
Union City, CA

Head Coach Ricky Rodriguez is young but has years of experience in football. Listen to this podcast and learn to appreciate the passion Coach has for teaching young men the values and importance that is part of the game of football.
It was interesting to learn that Coach Rodriguez wanted to not only be part of The Honor Bowl when he interviewed with James Logan High School to become the Head Coach of his cross town rival, Washington High School. He got that invite and also became the host for the 2019 Honor Bowl to be held in the SF East Bay for the first time.
The Honor Bowl is thrilled to have the community of Union City be the hub for three stellar “regional match-ups’ on September 7.
Coach Soto and Coach Rodriguez had a fun time getting to know more about things that are important to Rodriguez and we hope that you will enjoy this latest Honor Radio Podcast.