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HR#010-Ron Nocetti

HONOR RADIO: Episode #010 Guest: Ron Nocetti CIF State Executive Director Sacramento, CA Ron Nocetti is the Executive Director of the CIF State Office based in Sacramento, CA. We reached out to Ron to offer him a chance to voice what the CIF is currently doing due to...

Honor Radio

Honor Radio Honor Radio will provide listeners with people that The Honor Group have been associated with for years. This includes top High School Coaches and ADs, Military Officers, veterans and so many friends of The Honor Group. It is about time for us to share our...

HR-009- Dave Howe

HONOR RADIO: Episode #009Guest: Dave HoweMetroList VP – Client Success & ComplianceSacramento, CA With the onset of COVID-19 around the world, Dave Howe offers his thoughts as to how Real Estate professionals are reacting to be proactive with their own...

Honor Radio: Head Coach Ryan Partridge -HR007

HONOR RADIO: Episode #007Guest: Ryan PartridgeHead Football Coach Liberty High SchoolBrentwood, CA Head Coach Ryan Partridge had his share of football from youth to college. After graduation, Partridge got a job and after a little while realized the working world...

Honor Radio: Head Coach Ricky Rodriguez -HR006

HONOR RADIO: Episode #006Guest: Ricky RodriguezHead Football Coach James Logan High SchoolUnion City, CA Head Coach Ricky Rodriguez is young but has years of experience in football. Listen to this podcast and learn to appreciate the passion Coach has for teaching...
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